Scarlet Sails
Scharlachrote Segel │ Алые паруса1

Sofi Gitina │ Софи Гитина
9-year-old │ 9 Jahre alt │ 9 лет
Germany │ Deutschland │ Германия
Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children named after Dr. Ageeva, Dortmund, Germany.
Institut der Kinderförderung Dr. Ageeva, Dortmund, Deutschland.
Институт детского развития доктора Агеевой, Дортмунд, Германия.
1. Scarlet Sails (Russian: Алые паруса) is a 1923 romantic novel with elements of fantasy by Russian writer Alexander Grin (1880–1932). It is a story about a dream coming true no matter how futile it seems.